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Whether a blessing or a curse, we are indeed living in interesting times. Not so long ago, we were so busy that we never had time for anything other than work and family. But now that many of us are working from home, there seems to be a lot more time in a day, especially if you don’t have kids. It is an incredible opportunity to learn some new skills. In recent years, there has been an explosion of creative personal projects from people who finally have the time to focus on what they wanted to do. Here are some things you could try.

  • Knitting: Knitting used to be the go-to hobby for many women. People use to depend on knitting for clothing, so it was a valuable pastime. Because very few people were doing it anymore, knitted items are now unique and valuable. They make the perfect personalized gift, and it is considered a highly relaxing and meditative activity—the perfect thing for someone who wants to escape into their thoughts and be at peace. You can shop for yarn from the Knitting Co. A Google search will give you an idea of everything you need.
  • Baking: You would be amazed at how much pleasure you can bring to yourself and others through baking. Baking is something nobody ever had time for. So, we got used to paying high prices for mediocre products. But, you would be surprised how easy it is to master some of baking’s rudimentary skills. And from there, you will begin to make delicious treats at a fraction of the cost of bakery items. And nothing beats the fresh from the oven taste.
  • Drawing or Painting: Many former hopeful painters have recently rediscovered their passions. Most people can learn to paint or draw well if they have the time and some instruction. YouTube has all the instructions you could ever need. And if you have always wanted to fine-tune your skills, there is no better time. Drawing can be very inexpensive if you want it to be, but tons of supplies are available if you like.
  • Video and Animation: the tools available now for video, graphics, and animation are truly revolutionary. And most of them will run on an average home computer. However, if you ever wanted to give it a try, there is a vast community of people out there doing it too. It can be tricky at first, but once you have figured out the basics, you will be hooked.
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