How Obesity and Overweight Destroy You

Several things happen to your body when you become obese or overweight. Among them are inflammation, damage to the immune system, heart disease, strokes, and joint pain. These conditions are the direct result of being fat. Therefore, you should consider losing weight if you are obese or overweight.


Studies have shown that people who are obese or overweight have higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in their bodies. These cytokines have been linked to diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and atherosclerosis. In addition, these diseases are associated with an increased risk of mortality. Hence, it’s important to understand the role of inflammation in the human body. You can seek expert opinion from a doctor like Dr. Jason Campbell of OHSU in understanding human body inflammation.

Obesity impairs the development of a person’s immune system. The fat deposits in the abdomen press on the diaphragm, a large muscle below the chest cavity. This impinges on the airways and restricts their flow. This results in reduced lung capacity and collapse of lower lobe airways. As a result, the body must pump more blood to supply the body with oxygen.

Damage to the Immune System

Obesity and overweight have been linked to damage to the immune system, an increasing public health concern. Specifically, obesity affects the function of the AT immune cells, which supply the body with new immune cells and mediators. Because of the free availability of glucose, AT cells are more likely to prefer glycolysis, which leads to increased Th1 differentiation. However, obesity is also associated with a Th2 immune response, which is more often seen in allergic responses and parasitic invasions. This type of response is characterized by increased interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-3, and IL-5.

As a result, inflammation is caused by the body’s immune system’s attempts to combat infection. The inflammation produced by the immune system is usually a good thing, as it signals the body’s readiness to fight infection. The body needs inflammation to heal itself and fight off infection. However, obesity and being overweight can damage the immune system, especially regarding the body’s ability to fight off infections.

Heart Disease

Obesity is a major problem that affects almost 40 percent of Americans, and it’s a leading cause of heart disease. People with excessive weight put more stress on their hearts because they have to work harder to pump blood throughout their bodies. Overweight people also have unhealthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure. These conditions aren’t just unpleasant symptoms; they’re serious problems that must be treated immediately. Overweight people are also more likely to develop other health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Obesity is a risk factor for many different types of heart disease. For example, it increases the risk of atrial fibrillation, a rapid, irregular heartbeat that promotes the formation of blood clots. These clots can cause a heart attack or even a stroke. If left untreated, obesity can also increase the size of the heart.


A blocked artery in the brain causes strokes. These can be transient ischemic attacks or full-blown strokes. People who are obese or overweight have a higher risk of ischemic stroke than underweight people. Being overweight and obese are also associated with higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

While numerous factors may increase the risk of stroke, being overweight or obese is a major contributor. High blood pressure can clog arteries, which can lead to a stroke. Obesity also increases the risk of sleep apnea, a rare breathing disorder. Excess fat in the neck limits the airway.

Respiratory Disease

One of the many afflictions of obesity and overweight is a respiratory disease. Being overweight and obese can compromise your lungs by impairing blood flow to the organs, causing the lungs to become clogged and ineffective at oxygenating the body. When this happens, the patient may develop various symptoms, including severe respiratory problems.

Being overweight and obese can lead to pneumonia and bronchitis, two major respiratory system diseases. This is because excess fat clogs the airways and causes lung inflammation. Obesity can also cause more frequent bouts of cold and flu.


Obesity causes oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, which increase cancer risk. Fat cells also produce hormones called adipokines, which can stimulate cancer cells. Specifically, excessive leptin levels can lead to aberrant cell proliferation. Moreover, obesity reduces the production of adiponectin, a type of hormone with antiproliferative effects.

People who are overweight or obese are more prone to cancer recurrence than their non-obese counterparts. This may be because the fat cells in their bodies interfere with regulating cancer cell growth. It is, therefore, important to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise to help reduce the risk of cancer.